Day 10 – Give in to good vibrations
Science has proven to us that we are beings of energy.
-Every cell in our body is vibrating at a certain frequency. And our organs too.
-Everything on the planet has a certain energetic vibration or frequency.
-So then it just naturally follows that our thoughts are also energy.
-Technically they are, since they originate in the brain with electrical impulses and perhaps some chemical energy as well.
-If these thoughts are energy then it is possible for us to attract and repel energies. And that’s exactly what happens with our thoughts, feelings and emotions.
-We get more of what we are broadcasting. That is, we broadcast a certain frequency based on our thoughts, feelings and emotions and we will encounter all that falls within the range of broadcast that these thoughts, feelings and emotions they fall under.
-That’s why it is imperative that we keep a check on these thoughts, feelings and emotions.
-Which of them are the strongest? Which ones are the most frequent?
-The secret is to make sure that we are broadcasting more of love, gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, and so on rather than fear, guilt, sadness, anger, jealousy, etc
-The more we send out, the more we receive.
Here’s a simple exercise that you can do to give in to the good vibrations.
I invite you to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths. As you breathe in feel your lungs expanding and taking in all the beautiful pure energy of air, and as you breathe out feel yourself letting go and releasing all the stress and tension from your body. Now let your breathing come back to normal and just observe your breath and how your body feels with each breath. With each natural breath feel how the air that you breathe fills your lungs and how it nurtures and replenishes each and every cell in your body. With this awareness, feel the energy in each molecule of air….and then feel this energy within you. In each and every cell. Vibrating with pure energy.