Day 2 -You are a star!
Have you ever wondered who you are? What you are? Not our social labels and roles but on a deeper level. Well if you haven’t as yet been down that road, it’s a great thing because you will have a very good starting point for reference after you hear this.
Before we understand let’s first understand how everything that we know of came into existence. I’m talking about the galaxies, stars and planets. If we go with what science tells us then it all started with a big bang! And the scientific community is not the only one that holds that belief. Many ancient traditions too hold the same belief. And with this great sound came into existence some elements, namely, hydrogen and helium along with trace elements of lithium and beryllium. And with the massive explosion of stars also known as supernovas, other elements were formed; very gradually.
The light elements of Hydrogen and helium constitute approximately 73% and 25% each of the visible Universe and all the other heavier elements constitute 2%. Most of the atoms of the planets and us are made up of these relatively small percentage. Which means we are made up of the stuff that stars are! We are stars!
Tonight take a moment to connect to yourself by connecting to the night sky. Spend a few minutes gazing up at the sky and connect to the distant but luminous stars shining through the darkness. Pick a star in the sky. Acknowledge its divine existence and then acknowledge your own. Remind yourself that you too are luminous and shine through the darkness.