13 Days to Reset Online Course without One on One Coaching Session


Shift your perspective.
Begin your personal journey to discover your path and purpose.
Equip yourself with a comprehensive set of tools to get you started on a path of awareness and fulfilment in all areas of your life. You will find that you can now easily let go of things that no longer serve you and bring more peace and joy into your life.


Shift your perspective.
Begin your personal journey to discover your path and purpose.
Equip yourself with a comprehensive set of tools to get you started on a path of awareness and fulfilment in all areas of your life. You will find that you can now easily let go of things that no longer serve you and bring more peace and joy into your life.


You will learn how to:

  • Connect with your true self
  • Learn to let go and be more in tune with your authentic self.
  • Find more joy in everything
  • Shift your perspective


This course includes 13 short easy-to-comprehend, concise video lessons that are less than 5 minutes long. You will also discover life-hacks to bring you closer to your authentic self.

  • Easy exercises
  • 1 short guided meditation
  • Support via email through the 2 week course


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